Friday 3 December 2010

Media homework

Showing how products might be ’gendered’ through advertising, given that both sexes will use them.

·       A car
A car for a man can be advertised as masculine by having a man going in to a race car (to show that he is successful, as the stereotype is that every boy wants to be a race car driver and every man likes fast cars) but then we see him driving of in a jet black sports car over tacking the other drivers on the road (to show that he has lots of power on the road).
A car for a woman could be advertised as feminine by showing the woman getting in to the car and putting on make up, getting ready for a party and driving (this will show the stereotype that women can multi-task).

·       Bottled beer
Bottled beer for men can be advertised as masculine by showing a man in a suit coming home from a long tiring day at work and the first thing he does is go to the fridge and getting a nice cold bottle of beer to drink and then he sits down to rest.

Bottled beer for women could be advertised by a very posh woman going to a bar and asking for a drink and the bartender giving her a bottle of beer and her pouring it into a glass and then drinking it (this shows that even classy women can drink beer)

·       Trainers
Trainers for men can be advertised as masculine by showing a man training to run a marathon but he doesn’t have good trainers so he goes and buys the trainers that I am trying to sell and ends up winning the race.

Trainers for women could be advertised as feminine by showing a woman playing in the park with her children wearing the Trainers.

·       An IPod
An IPod for men can be advertised as masculine by showing a teenage boy who has been left in the house alone for the weekend by his parents so he decides to through a party but his CD player brakes down so he uses his IPod which works for the rest of the party.

An IPod for women could be advertised as feminine by showing a woman jogging slowly and not enthusiastically but then she takes out her IPod and starts jogging enthusiastically and faster.

·       Deodorant
A deodorant for men can be advertised as masculine by showing a man playing football with his friends but afterwards he has to go on a date but he doesn’t have time to have a shower so he uses deodorant.

A deodorant for women could be advertised as feminine by showing a woman not being noticed by men because she is using an old brand of deodorant but then she uses my new brand and all the men start to notice her.

·       Cigarettes
Cigarettes for men can be advertised as masculine by showing a man in a suit, who has just finished a long day at work and he comes out side with his mates, smoking together.

Cigarettes for women can be advertised as feminine by having women who is smoking using a one of those cruella de vil sticks to smoke with and make her look posh and sophisticated.

Female Adverts3

Female Adverts 2

Female Stereotypes

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Representation and Stereotypes



1.     What is the purpose of advertising?

The purpose of advertising is to persuade people to buy your product, of to inform people about something.

2.     Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?
Adverts that interested me are
·         Moxie girls from the TV- The Moxie girls advert had lots of music in it that gets stuck in your head
·         IKEA from the TV- the IKEA advert like the Moxie girls advert has catchy music but it is also interesting to watch as there are lots of different things going on in it.
·         Motorbike from the TV- The motorbike advert sound music but its not its different sounds that you would hear on the street if you were in a motorbike accident but they made it sound like music.
3.     Did you purchase the product? If not, have you ever bought a product because you have seen the advert?

No I haven’t, bought anything, but I seen films in the cinema that I have, seen advertised on the TV.

Analysis of a Print Advert (perfume)