Wednesday 1 December 2010



1.     What is the purpose of advertising?

The purpose of advertising is to persuade people to buy your product, of to inform people about something.

2.     Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?
Adverts that interested me are
·         Moxie girls from the TV- The Moxie girls advert had lots of music in it that gets stuck in your head
·         IKEA from the TV- the IKEA advert like the Moxie girls advert has catchy music but it is also interesting to watch as there are lots of different things going on in it.
·         Motorbike from the TV- The motorbike advert sound music but its not its different sounds that you would hear on the street if you were in a motorbike accident but they made it sound like music.
3.     Did you purchase the product? If not, have you ever bought a product because you have seen the advert?

No I haven’t, bought anything, but I seen films in the cinema that I have, seen advertised on the TV.

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